Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The "Christian" Hitler

One of the greatest lies of our time is that Adolf Hitler was a Christian. It is usually perpetuated by those who have such a disdain for religion, and Christianity in particular, that what better way to undermine it further than to align Christianity with the most vilified character in recent history (maybe even of all time).

A book released this past April by Eric Metaxas called, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy takes this, as well as many other things, to task. FoxNews (ahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) has online in PDF format two chapters for free download/reading. One of these chapters, Chapter 11, is called "Nazi Theology." In it he utterly deconstructs the renowned "fact" that Hitler was a Christian.

In fact he leaves you with convincing evidence that Hitler, rather than being a product of some outdated method of weak minded religious foolishness, was a product of Nietzsche and modernity. Oh what an unsettling claim this is. But I posit the evidence is convincing.

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