I am definitely at a point where I am running on all cylinders, and furiously. Not in a furious anger, but rather I am firing on all cylinders because of the sheer energy I have inside of me. Be able to do ministry, and in this setting, has me fired up. I mentioned last week the visits we did. I want to point back to that because although I love all my work days here in their own right, I think Thursday's may be my absolute favorite. And the cool thing for me to realize is, it has nothing to do with the fact that I get to go home as soon as my day is over.
I start out at the crack of dawn at a coffee shop with men from the church and we sit there and discuss what's on our minds and pray for each other. From there Pastor and I do any number of visits. Today we were in the housing complex across the street, as we usually are. We visited two sweet old ladies who gave us food. Being able to pray with these people and being able to share fellowship with them is something that simply uplifts me because I know it is by the Spirit. And then toward the end of my day, I put my thoughts together. You may have noticed my blog posts tend to favor toward Thursdays. I can exhale my weekly thoughts.
I know I just said Thursdays were my favorite, now hear about Wednesdays. We got a neighborhood situation here with kids looking for fun in a safe environment. And not only that but a Christian environment. These kids have a faith, they want an outlet to express their joys, as well as their fears. Although this is mostly a safe neighborhood, you definitely cans till have your rough elements. The church to them is that place of peace and comfort. They can be kids, and they can learn about God's love for them. It's overwhelming. It's something I notice at Trinity, but it's something I also notice here.
We finished our painting project in the Youth Room attached to The Center here at the church. I'm definitely posting a picture here because you have to see it for yourselves. Creation and New Creation we call the piece. I'll let you figure out why we call it that. We had a real buzz about the place last night and I am thankful for that. We are hoping it will carry over to next week when we do Youth Night for the teens. We will start out at the church with a Biblical message or study of some sort and then to 42nd Street (Times Square for you non NYers) for Cold Stone Ice Cream and just chill time. I am really looking forward to that. I cherish and miss the Wednesday nights for Trinity Islips Youth Night, but this is a sweet dynamic that I am simply fired up for. Getting to ride the subway and do ministry of presence with the teens in the center of the universe. Try and tell me that isn't awesome!
The experience is half over, but I already have memories that will carry me throughout life. The Good News has me rolling, hop on board!
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