"Law youth ministry is a waste of your time. If all you’re doing is trying to make kids behave, make good choices and buy into the church as a place to hang out, then by all means, get another job. Or be honest and just say you’re a moralistic therapeutic babysitter carrying out the wishes of the church to not have any kids make bad decisions.
What is ministry? Get them to the Gospel and Jesus, sister. Let Jesus decide if they need to be in jail or not."
Like I said, slam dunk. Enjoy the whole read, let me know what you think. Does your church preach Gospel? Or are you getting beat over the head with Law?
Wow. He may have got his Master's from a Southern Baptist seminary, but I think he's read Walther at some point.
The line you quoted on youth ministry - very accurate. That does not mean churches should not have clear guidelines on behavior in the building (language, etc.), but do take youth as they are. That goes for the adults too.
Yeah he has a quote somewhere that says Luther's Gospel is also his, just not sacramentally. Oh well...
And right, churches definitely need to have guidelines for sure, but all too often it gets nit picky and the fact the Jones Memorial Carpet (to use a Mike Yaconelli analogy) gets stained turns into the youth are little pests who need to be controlled.
Great point that taking them as they are goes for adults too. I think that also gets lost amidst the clutter. It's OK to be weak!
Thanks for the feedback Pr. Jagow!
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