Saturday, March 28, 2009


Job was a righteous man.  And one day, as the narrative goes, Satan came to God and said something to the effect of, "No kidding he's righteous, he has nothing to complain about..."  God accepted the wager made that Job would still call upon Yahweh for every help and in every trouble against the devil's saying he wouldn't.  

Job would trip up, but he came back and repented, and thereby received forgiveness, which is what God's people do.  Somewhere in the middle of all this however, Job made a statement that speaks high volumes, especially concerning to Christians.  Job was probably written at the time of the patriarchs, so this is some old school literature.  And right there in the midst of it all Job proclaims,

"25For I know that my Redeemer lives,
   and at the last he will stand upon the earth.
26And after my skin has been thus destroyed,
   yet in my flesh I shall see God,"

Right there, in Job 19:25-26 Job exclaims that he knows his Redeemer lives and even after his skin has been destroyed (death) at the last he in his own flesh will see God.  There's some resurrection theology for ya way back in the day!  This Lent we ought to be reminded that even though we're carrying our crosses and being reminded that Jesus carried His, that in the end in our own flesh we will see God.

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