Jesus Christ's death on the cross and glorious resurrection is true for all people of all times. How do we convey this message? One thing to know is, even if people do not believe what you are saying, they are willing to listen. Unless we engage them with the pointer finger saying, "Here it is, you're wrong!" Regardless of them being wrong, if we are in it for dialogue, we have to convey it to them in a way they will actually hear it. We are sinful human beings, and we have to be mindful of our presentation to other people. Another big turn off to outsiders is how churches tend to act/react as their own personal club. This is something that simply has got to stop. It is no secret that Christians, Lutherans in particular because I am one, can come off as nasty and cold. We have our truths, if you don't like it, go somewhere else. Can't have that. We have our truths, you may not like it, come and see for yourself. Not all people are like the former, but we would be kidding ourselves to think/say those people (who include our own selves) do exist.
How do we reach people? As Christians we have a right to the priesthood of all believers. If it's not every Christian's duty to give a faithful witness, then it is most certainly their right. The people are out there more so then most pastors. Pastors and church workers, God Bless 'em, do operate in a Church bubble. Because of time constraints and their numerous commitments it is tough for church workers to get "out there" just to mingle with people and to share the message. The laity can do this. The laity gets to do this. People are always looking for these ways to change the world. Just find a coffee shop, sit down with a friend (or anyone!) and share with them the GREAT News of Christ crucified and risen. Then invite them to church, because there is nothing more beautiful then hearing, "Your sins are forgiven."
1 comment:
Amen brotha. I just posted on a similar topic today...we GET to do such wonderful things but they are not required of us...that is the Jesus we need to show people.
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