Monday, August 17, 2009

On Sharing the Gospel

The last day of VBS I was downstairs in "the center" (basement where all church social activity occurs) going over the story of the resurrection and the disciples on the road to Emmaus. As I was chugging along with the story and asking/answering questions I was stopped abruptly in my tracks by a kid who looked at me puzzled when I asked, "Why is this an important message to share?" He said to me, "You're going to have to explain this a little bit more, for some of us this is our first time here."

The world is our mission field. The Lord of the Harvest is constantly planting seeds and using us to cultivate the crop. How did I answer this kids question? With a question of my own of course. I asked them all what they thought of the world. And as real life as it gets they shared with me the things they have seen even at the young ages of 12-16. They concluded, with no help of my own, that the world is full of hate, anger, and pain. Based on that they told me the world is not perfect and in many ways it does not even come close. So then I asked another question, "What is it that you think people really want most in this world?" One of the older boys spoke up and said, "People want hope, and people want peace."

So from there I did the only thing I knew I could, I shared with them the Hope of the Gospel and how that can and will change us. I shared with them how sin, death, and the devil were stopped abruptly in their pursuit of humanity and defeated at the cross, and I shared with them that we have hope in seeing loved ones departed again because of the hope of the Risen Jesus. I was clear that in the here and now this message won't change all and won't make things necessarily any less difficult, but it will give all people what all people really want: hope and peace.

No gimmicks, no games, just sharing the Gospel of Hope with those who need it.

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