Friday, June 26, 2009

Portals of Prayer

Since the rain doesn't cease here in New York, I figured today's Portals of Prayer devotion on Baptism (WATER+the Word) was relevant. Fun fact, Romans 6 just may be my favorite chapter in the entire Bible. Enjoy!

Devotional Reading for:


Associated Scripture Readings:
Romans 6:1-11
Psalm 63

Baptismal Day
All of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death[.] Romans 6:3

One of the great privileges of being a pastor is to administer the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. Each time that happens, it is a “goose bump moment” for me, as I realize how God’s Holy Spirit works through water and the Word, bringing Jesus to a person through this means of grace. Twenty years ago today, I administered this Sacrament to my youngest daughter in a hospital room. In addition to goose bumps, I also had a quivery voice, shaky hands, and tear-filled eyes. The pediatrician had told us that her physical condition was critical and that she might have to be flown to a larger hospital. How thankful we were when her condition improved and that flight was not necessary. On that day, the promises of Baptism struck me in a very personal, emphatic way. Through Baptism, we are united to Christ, now and forever. All the conditions and circumstances of our life may be uncertain, but the forgiveness of sins and eternal salvation that God gives are not. Each day, we can make the sign of the cross and celebrate the ongoing significance of our Baptism into Christ Jesus.

“Baptized into Your name most holy, O Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I claim a place, though weak and lowly, Among Your saints, Your chosen host” (LSB 590:1). Amen.

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