To some, the cross is a beautiful story, but it wasn’t everything. There are those who say other things must be accomplished to assure themselves of their salvation. We know this, that the cross forgave the sins of humanity and that the only thing that will not be forgiven is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, unbelief. That’s right, every vile act of sin ever committed is forgiven through the cross in the context of faith. Our brothers and sisters in some denominations argue that works must be completed to attain this, or that those outside of a specific church need a perfect act of contrition or be saved on the account of ignorance. It is unfortunate that there are those in Christendom who would dare say the cross is not enough and bowing to an institution headed by some pseudo-Christ on earth is the answer to really bowing to Christ. “For I do not nullify the grace of God, because if righteousness could be gained through the law then Christ died for no purpose!” (Galatians 2:29) The argument is that these works have nothing to do with law but that they are things we are required to do for our salvation. One comes to this understanding by twisting the Gospel and interpreting Romans, Hebrews, and Galatians through the Book of James rather than the other way around. It is true, that faith produces fruit, which are works. But these works are of no merit to ourselves. These works are God working through us for the advancement of His Kingdom. Do not ever let it be about anything else. Ask yourself this question, when you arrive in heaven who are you going to point to for the reason you are there? Yourself? Mary? Some “special” Saint, or Jesus the living One of God? For me, I will point and give all credit to Christ the King, our Lord.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Christian Joy
The joy of the Christian is not to be found in some institution focused on the world. The joy of the Christian is to be found only under the cross of Christ. Again, this beautiful “paradox” of the cross rears its head. The cross is, historically, a murderous tool. This was no different in the case of Jesus, but the difference lied in what was accomplished upon Jesus’ cross. On Calvary the most disgusting and beautiful act in the history of mankind took place. The beauty of the cross is that through the worst sin ever committed, all sin was defeated! It really is mind-boggling stuff when you think about it. It is no wonder that Paul referred to the Gospel as foolishness. The Gospel is nothing less than foolish, for the one not believing. To the world, this beauty of the cross does not make any sense at all, and how could it? What is it specifically about this 160 pound Jewish guy in the first century and his death on the cross that changed everything, forever? How in the world does logic explain that? It doesn’t at all. And sadly, there are those even within the church that have chosen to seek a logical explanation for the works of God and how they came to be instead of taking them for what they are and trusting the faith they have been given. Logic does not explain the cross. The cross of Christ defies all logic. If you try to make reason out of it, you wind up confusing yourself and causing doubt. The Gospel was never meant to be interpreted through the eyes and wisdom of man. Rather, it was meant for the wisdom of God and through God breaking down that barrier of sin by means of Jesus’ cross, we are able to respond and are saved.
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